The past 38 years up until COVID-19

After an unbroken period of 38-years of a magical and exciting communal event, things changed. For 38 years, the ONE to ONE DAY FAIR FOR THE INTELLECTUALLY DISABLED convened exclusively for those with an intellectual disability within the greater Cape Town community when social integration and togetherness were the main focus. The Covid-19 pandemic stopped that momentum in its tracks.

Social interaction was not possible

Instead of  social interaction as a means of sharing and caring for those disabled, the focus had to Change. Social interaction was not possible and neither was exposure to  entertainment provided by talented musicians and the like.

The regulations under which the pandemic was handled by the  authorities necessitated  separation curtailment and restriction of movement. This was in an attempt to contain the  spread of the virus and to protect the most vulnerable within the community in particular, but everyone else too.

What we did

So what  does a socially active organisation do in the meantime. Become dormant...or does it change its focus to meet the challenges of the time? In changing the focus it has kept up the concern and welfare of its core audience... those with an intellectual disability in focus.

In 2020, ONE to ONE mounted a campaign to provide essential health packs for the families of the disabled who would normally have enjoyed the excitement of “togetherness”   with the community. Items such as sanitizers, water, soaps and food formed the core of packs prepared and distributed.

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In previous years... 

ONE to ONE Event in Cape Town

The constitution of the Republic of South Africa  is very  clear on the responsibilities we as citizens... individuals,  corporate  big  or small have to our fellow citizens. Human rights and dignity for all with a strong  bias towards social responsibility and up liftment of those previously disadvantaged  are ideals to which we strive.

That there are fellow South Africans who were previously disadvantaged is not up for  debate. That there are  initiatives to address that is ongoing  so that each one can have his/her  place  in the sun!

However there are also individuals who are permanently intellectually disabled,  they through no fault of their own  are the intellectually  disadvantaged which  society has “ forgotten” about. Whereas the previously  disadvantaged can with help and assistance  improve their  lot and in time pay back to society  the helping hand extended , it’s  not so with the intellectually disabled. These are society's "forgotten" children.

Society has to care for and protect these vulnerable  fellow  citizens. To  create an initiative to address the “forgotten”, the community of greater Cape Town  has for the past  38 years  staged a fun experience to afford the  people  with an intellectual  disability ( + 3000  of whom participated  in the 2019  event ) an interaction  with  “normal” society  in an  informal , relaxed  atmosphere. Called the ONE to ONE DAY FAIR this event “twins”  volunteer “friends”  with the  intellectually disabled ( on a one to one basis ) to share and enjoy the delights of the fun fair (game stalls and  live  entertainment ).. staged  by community, service, school and student bodies .  In a very special way it is the intellectually disabled  who have a unique ability to impart to  society qualities  of  humility and appreciation.. and tolerance one for the other.

The event is free  with  the participating  organisations from across greater Cape Town contributing towards  the costs. A number  of  sponsors assist to that end   but  more are  invited  to consider “coming to the party “.  (The event in 2019 cost R 410,000.00  to convene !).

The  ONE to ONE DAY FAIR is an NPO  & PBO  registered  organisation.

ONE to ONE is a collaborative project between all the public spirited community based organisations as listed as well as the Western Cape Forum for Intellectual Disability. The Forum, the umbrella body for facilities caring for those with an intellectual disability liaises with and invites facilities to the event and manages them whilst they are there. Visit the Forum’s site at



ONE to ONE has been held annually in Cape Town since 1981. It is an ever-growing event where one can get involved and make a real difference in the lives of those with an intellectual disability.

One's involvement can be as 1) stall holder, 2) a “friend” or 3) as a sponsor to assist in making this event a huge success.

More and more participating organisations are getting involved and they come from all corners of the Cape Town community. It’s a tangible and sincere display of caring; one that the disabled community undoubtedly appreciate.

View list of 2019 participants

View previous years participants here:
View list of 2013 participants | View list of 2014 participants | View list of 2015 participants  | View list of 2016 participants  | View list of 2017 participants | View list of 2018 participants

Doing Good. A Challenge.

As established as ONE to ONE has become, on the communal “to do and be part of” list, the challenge to stage the event is finding a suitable sheltered venue. What is important is accessibility as well as size to house +- 8000 people who make the magic happen!

In the centre of Cape Town, one of the only venues that addresses those needs is the covered parking area of the Cape Town Stadium.

Our interaction with management of the stadium was most positive and cordial in a collective effort to “make it happen“.

To provide a suitable  venue that can  comfortably house  in excess of  3000  intellectually disabled , a similar  number of volunteer “ friends ,  and  stall holders  and  those working at the stalls plus those  providing  entertainment numbering  apprx  8000 people is a challenge to which the City of Cape Town has  risen repeatedly  over the 38 years  of the running of  ONE to ONE. The earlier years witnessed the event being held at the  Good Hope Centre  and  of late in the parking area  of the Cape Town Stadium . The ONE to ONE  organisers have formed  a cordial  partnership .The  benefits accruing to the city speak volumes  of  its commitment  of enhancing  its social  responsibility  to  a clear  indication of a  city that cares  for all. In size and scope ONE to ONE is unique to Cape Town within the Republic of South Africa


In the centre of Cape Town, one of the only venues that addresses those needs is the covered parking area  of the Cape Town Stadium.

Our interaction with management of the stadium was most positive and cordial in a collective effort to  “make it happen“.

One to One is a Public Spirited Event Epitomising Social Responsibility.
The project has been held annually for 38 years.

Having experienced the magic when one was at school or college, the 3 simple words of the name mentioned ie ONE to ONE  kindles a desire to be part that magic again and again!

ONE to ONE  is a communal expression of  bonding within the Cape Town community and takes the form of a fun fair replete  fun and games stalls as well as  live  entertainment   to create an relaxed environment in which to  interact  with some of fellow  citizens of Cape Town who have  an intellectual  disability in a day  of  fun,excitement and enjoyment. It is a  registered NPO  and  PBO with  objectives  in line with those  as  contained in the constitution of the Republic of South Africa in enhancing  human rights and  dignity of the disabled . The goal of the fair is to respect, protect and promote the rights and wellbeing  of those with an intellectual  disability

Service, social, school and  college organisations within  greater Cape Town pool their  resources and  enthusiasm to afford  the disabled an   opportunity interaction like  no other. Involvement takes the form of running a stall , being a volunteer ”friend” to share the excitement , or providing  live entertainment .  ONE to ONE whilst exclusively  arranged for the  intellectually disabled  is  free. The participating  stall holders  and  sponsors like the City of  Cape Town  assist in meeting the considerable costs  involved  ( In 2019  that amounted  to R 450,000.00 )

We acknowledge and thank:

Paul Zuckerman for his back up assistance in arranging the magical day
David Raphael for his support and assistance
Ilonka  Gray ,Steve ShermanIrvin of Van Kalker Photography for photos
Andrew Emdon of Emdon Videos for videography
And those who provided  toe-tapping  entertainment …including ;
Stavro Michel and his assistant Steve our DJ
Fairmont Drummies and the bands of:
Herzlia  High School
St  Cyprians Marimba  Band
Groote Schuur High School
Wynberg  Junior School
South  Peninsula High School
and Gabriella Rashika  Weiner of afrosapiens  for arranging singers and magicians.